


5 Steps for Changing the Users Account Password in Active Directory Server

Active Directory is an essential aspect for the organization to make the data stored safely. In this aspect, the database contains all the information about the ad objectives of a particular domain. Most of the time, with the help of ads, the risk factor of misuse of data can be reduced. A person needs to manage AD in an effective way that reduces the misuse of any data. With the help of Active Directory management, you can track the expired password or never expire password.

Most of the network administrator manages user accounts and other resources with the help of Active Directory. A simple username and password can easily log in to the computer of the Active Directory domain. As there has always been updated with password is an essential thing most of the time the user forget the password. Network administrations allow ad user password reset to complete the aspect on time. The password is changed by the management console, but before taking any step, you need to take permission from the administrator. So here are some steps that help you reset your password in Active Directory.

Steps to change the password

  • In the first step, you need to log in to the account in the active directory server as an administrator.
  • Once you get log-in to the account, your next step is to open the user of active Directory and computer window.
  • After this aspect, you need to select the user account which needs the password to change or to be rest. Most of the time, a person makes a mistake in this step, so; you need to check all the information before doing anything.
  • Make a right-click on the user name and then click on reset password. Through this, the server will allow you to type the ne password with permission and confirmation.
  • As you have changes the password, your next step is to enable the option where the user can change the option to log on. It is because if the user wants to set up their password to make the aspect easy.

What to do if you can’t reset the password

In some aspect, the administrations may not allow the user to reset own password so that you will see the link of contact administrator. You need to click on the link, which lets you contact the administrator to get permission to reset the password.

Moreover, once you get the permission, try to make a strong password of more than 8 and less than 16 characters. For making a strong password, you can use uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and some special characters.

Final words

Thus, these are some steps that you need to take while changing the password. Try to make a strong password that cannot be hacked by others. Make sure that take the permission of administration before taking any step.


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